Monday, June 4, 2012

Some Friends Are Like Dandruff...

Show up when they want to, make you look bad, have no positive effect on your life, and lastly are FLAKY . Unfortunately, there isn't a shampoo on the market to take care of them so you'll have to resort to other measures if you need to clear up the problem.(oh also fake also but that doesn't match my shampoo analogy)  It's not a pleasant task but needs to be done at times. 

For whatever reason (I'm placing my bet on my old pal Stress) I'm back on the insomnia wagon. This basically means that instead of sleeping snug as a bug in my bed dreaming of Adam Levine or something equally enticing; that my mind is on overload and I'm up till all hours thinking...and thinking...and thinking. There have been times when I wish I could switch it off because I'll dwell on things that upset me. On the other hand I'll sometimes have moments of clarity. I often feel lonely because my social life is roughly 99.9% internet interaction. My schedule, single parenthood, and lack of sitter act like a ball and chain that keep me locked in the house. I've made a decision to try and be kinder, more open minded, more active in putting aside time to spend with people. I want to leave a positive impression on those around me, whether I'm there in person or not.  Over the past couple months I've realized that there are people out there who pay attention to what I say, show an interest, etc. A majority of those are people I hadn't expected it from. What a nice surprise right? It also put into perspective that there are "friends" I still hold onto that maybe I should cut ties with. 

Those relationships that if I give them an honest look are one sided. What am I gaining from them? By this I don't mean materialistically. Are they a uplifting influence? Could I count on them to be there without strings attached? Will they keep my business my own or spread it like wildfire? Will they say something behind my back that they'd say to my face? There are a couple people I've found fall short in those areas. I'm trying to improve my life (constant work in progress btw) and I don't need to be weighed down by those who aren't helping. I think I keep these friendships because they are like a pair of worn in jeans...comfy and old. Also like some of my jeans- not a good fit anymore. This post idea came around because of one of my pet peeves. If you say you're gonna do something, then damn it, DO it! Now, I of all people know that life gets in the way sometimes, but when it's predictable or a pattern, nuh uh. When they can find time for someone else, but only come to me when they need something? I'll give when I have nothing, but I'm not second fiddle or something you can put on the shelf to save for a rainy day. *in gangsta voice*  "B*tches better recognize!"

So here's my plan. I'm going to embrace the new friendships, bonds, that are in the works. Lately I've had a feeling that certain people are being placed in my life for a reason, why not take the ride and see? I've also got a pair of scissors in hand to start snipping ties. Adios to the negative. FYI, if you're having to wonder if I'm talking about you..answer is probably yes :) That also means you shouldn't be surprised when you don't hear from me anymore or I'm not there when you make a rare appearance..of course in your time of "need". I'm feeling kind of excited now, like spring cleaning but for the soul. 

I think if you've read my other posts you know I'm a big fan of using music to make a point so here are a couple for today. (POINT= buh bye!)


Anonymous said...


mom2knlx3 said...

LOL because you agree?

Unknown said...

This is another good one! I believe we all come across each other for a reason. And you have inspired me just as much as any other person has inspired me in my life journey. Luckily, I feel your inspiration within me has been positive, however, I also learn from the negative inspiration in my life. Every adventure is a lesson - when we stop learning, we are dead!

mom2knlx3 said...

:) The feeling is mutual and I certainly agree with that viewpoint!