Monday, June 18, 2012

Day #8: The Case of Adam & Eve

Versus Adam & Steve/Eve & Eve is now in session!  
Day #8 asks the controversial question "What are your views on gay marriage?"
When I first decided I would answer this as part of TBC I post it on my Facebook so that I could gather some input from my own group of friends and acquaintances. I have friends from all walks of life so I figured there would be a good chance that there would be a difference in opinions. I was right, but am glad to say that the majority of my friends are open minded and accepting regardless of what society and the law may have to say about "gay marriage". 
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?  ~Ernest Gaines
" let em be happy...i was raised in church and i know the bible speaks about homosexuality and all, but i ain't the one doin it so let them do them...long as they happy i ain't gonna throw bible verses at em.  Besides, i would be upset if the script was flipped and they were talkin all this stuff saying how i shouldnt be married and heterosexual marriage is treat people like you want to be treated. you hear it all your life so why not just apply it to everything and not just what will benefit you...ok im done now"
"I have women that I like alot and that mean alot to me who are homosexual. Now saying that, I stand by Gods word on this. So it comes to I dont believe in them getting maried, however, they have to face God and if they are not right with Him then they know the deal. I also think that it is a bio messup. Humans were created to be man with woman and woman with man. Whether it is a gene thing or the wiring in their head is messed up. I dont care what they do in the bed room, just do me a favor and leave it there. Being gay has become the new fad of the past few years. I cant look at a rainbow the color purple with out thinking about homosexuals. Now im hearing that I cant refer to my self as a bear as in the big fur animal. because in the gay world that means a big hairy gay guy. Well i am big, I am hairy and i am a guy, but I am far from gay. I love being with women in a sexual way way too much. So as for the people in of themselves I have no problems and like a few. But as for the culture, I wish it would go back underground."
Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of any man, for judgment belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.

Luke 6:37 NIV

[Judging Others] [6:37-42pp -- Mt 7:1-5] "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
 "I believe in letting anyone be happy with whom they choose.  No matter gay, strait, bi ,transgender. No one should be allowed to dictate what makes you happy, no matter what your sexual choices may be. Church and state should stay out of it."
Who would give a law to lovers?  Love is unto itself a higher law.  ~Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, A.D. 524
"Homosexuality occurs all throughout nature where animals only have sex for producing offspring not for pleasure. How is it not natural in our species then? I honestly believe it is genetic mutation and we are born with our choice of which sex we are attracted to. Do you really think some 12 year old boy really wants all his straight friends to laugh at and joke him because he's not attracted to girls? As far as gay marriage goes,there have been forms of marriage long before the Western idea of religion was.around.(just google"history of marriage") And if religious people are worried about ruining the "sanctity" of marriage,maybe they should stop getting divorced so much. I just feel we should just let each other live their own lives and not try to push our ideals upon everyone we meet. Oh,yeah-if there's someone out there who doesn't like homosexual people,tell them to let straight people know to stop having gay babies! And another thing-this country was founded on religious freedom so how about people respect that!"
"The way I look at it is it doesn't effect the way I live my life! And if its what makes someone happy let them be who they are!"
"Whatever makes that person truly happy . Me personally, I have never understood the big deal about it."
The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.  ~Gore Vidal

I don't agree with homosexuality or gay marriage, but I don't judge the individual."
  •  "What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Sexual orientaion should not have an affect on how a person is viewed. If two people in love want to get married then no one should have the right to tell them not to. Society needs to learn how to stop focusing on sexual preferences and focus on the actual issues. child obesity, obesity in general. Take up a real cause that can help make the world a better place instead of invading into a certian group's personal life."

War.  Rape.  Murder.  Poverty.  Equal rights for gays.  Guess which one the Southern Baptist Convention is protesting?  ~The Value of Families
"In my experience with marriage, everything was great until we said, "I do" and things became quite miserable.
I don't personally agree or condone homosexuality and I'm not going to try to stop them. But I say that if the heterosexual individuals are going to be miserable married, give the homosexuals the same opportunity to be just as miserable ... lol"
All LOVE is equal

The above pictures state how I feel about the question at hand. I grew up in a Christian household and was taught that homosexuality is a sin. As an adult though I am fairly disillusioned with the "Christian/Church". I realize just how much hypocrisy there is among them. The heart sometimes leaves you no room to control how you feel. It just knows what it wants. I believe that the gender of who we sleep with, fall in love with, or want to marry is such a trivial thing in the grand scheme of things. Like one of my friends said, there are so many other issues are country and society faces that need to be dealt with. Homelessness, domestic abuse, hunger, war. That list goes on for miles. People are always saying how they want peace, or to be true to yourself. Yet, they contradict themselves by trying to place barriers for others such as homosexuals.    We have come through race discrimination and the fight for women's rights.Why is this any different and why are they still having to fight for equal treatment? Good grief. I find it to be a sad reflection on us as a whole. I think it's high time that we expand our thinking and level of acceptance.
I LOVE the below quotes and find it quite fitting to my sexual personality:
Labels?  Okay, fine.  I'm bisensual.  Heteroflexible.  And life-curious.  That about covers it.  ~Morgan Torva
My sexual preference is often.  ~Author Unknown

Oh and this one!!
My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham

Some more nuggets of opinion to think on!
If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work:  "Hello.  Can't work today, still queer."  ~Robin Tyler 
Everybody's journey is individual.  If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy.  The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.  ~James Baldwin
In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality:  the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation.  ~Simone de Beauvoir
Labels are for filing.  Labels are for clothing.  Labels are not for people.  ~Martina Navratilova
Bisexuality is a blessing and a curse, but viewing it as a schizophrenia will make you insane.... I am not a whole person with split desires: I am a whole person with desire.  As everyone is, regardless.  ~AgavĂ© Powers
Never be bullied into silence.  Never allow yourself to be made a victim.  Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.  ~Harvey Fierstein
I don't mind a good debate, so welcome you to comment with your opinions. I just ask that you do so in a respectful manner if at all possible. I don't encourage hate or discrimination on my blog. And since I'm boss here, what I say goes! :)



Anonymous said...

Sounds great, and it looks like everything's been covered. Keep up the good work ... lol

mom2knlx3 said...
