Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day #4: I Miss _____

What would you fill in the blank with?
A person, something from the past, a part of life?
There is no right or wrong answer, but I think that there are a couple answers that most people would find themselves relating to. 

I miss being a kid.
Ohhh how true is that?! I couldn't have said it better myself. How did we manage to have all that energy? I remember getting up with the sun and I would play hard all daggone day. I wasn't afraid of worms and creep crawlies, I got dirty, I came home every night with the smell of kid sweat and sunshine on me. Almost makes me want to cry now it seems so long ago. Sigh. 

"But what I miss the most of all, was the time that seemed to never run out." Isn't it ironic how as adults we feel that there just isn't enough time in the day for all we need or want to do? 

I miss the old me before I became jaded and cynical. I was soft and tender and gave without question. I was able to see the good in everyone. There wasn't a hard edge to me. No bobwire fence, backed up by a brick wall, reinforced with a steel door- around my heart. It was out in the wide open. A grudge wasn't something I knew. Forgiveness came easily and so did trust.
I'm not referring to the "old me" that allowed men to hit me or people to treat me like a doormat- just the girl who still wore rose colored glasses. 

<--- That one is pretty self explanatory! My oh so studly buddy Chris D. said "my sanity-does that count?" when I asked him today's question. I had to give an "Amen" to that! 

I miss my grandma Beulah. She was one of the most compassionate, loving people I know. It broke my heart when she passed away. She only got to meet Kailey my oldest. I wish every day that she was still with us. Her home was filled with affection and patience. She lit up a room. I don't remember if she wore any other scent but 
Elizabeth Arden's Red Door perfume always reminds me of her. She always had a cake/pie in the fridge and cooked her heart out. I'm a big fan of collards as an adult...I regret that I never tried hers while I had the chance. I didn't visit as much as I should have, but she will always be in my heart. 

In the words of my friend Tina W., I miss 
my babies being babies. How is it they get so big and too grown for their britches so quickly?! 

You blink and BAM!! I cuddle up with my youngest (almost 5) and it makes me so sad that she doesn't fit into my arms anymore when I hold her in the rocking position. She used to fit perfectly. I was cleaning moms attic and found a lot of their old clothes including the teeny tiny t-shirt from the hospital. Looks like it belongs to a baby doll!

My oldest thinks she is Queen Bee and the youngest is so dang logical and intuitive for a 5 year old. She must have an old soul. ALL of them talk non-stop. On good days I love hearing what they have to say and seeing how their minds work. Bad days- lets just say I miss the days when they weren't able to babble all day long and I could get peace and quiet!  But truthfully, I wouldn't trade it for the world! I just wish that I could slow down time when it comes to them...I'm not ready to be a single mom of 2 teenage girls anytime soon! Aye yie yie *shakes head*

Have you thought of your own answers yet? Feel free to share them in the comments section!

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