Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day #2: 16 and Know It All...Or Do You?

Today's question from the 30 Day Blog Challenge asks: 
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 16 year old self?
Initially I almost passed on answering this one because I felt it would be a waste of breath. My 16 year old self didn't listen to anybody that was considered an adult! :)

My Sweet 16 feels like it took place in another life. A distant universe even . 15 years, 1 divorce, and 3 children ago. That's years of heartbreak, tears, lessons learned, pain. Laughter, smiles, growing, evolving. Boy, life is one tough beatch. I feel so much older than 31. I miss the hell out of the days when what to wear was my hardest decision everyday. High School was a blur for me, and as an adult looking back not something I would want to endure again. Teens are cruel and that phase of discovering yourself is a crazy mess. 

Wouldn't it be great if our future selves could travel back and have a sleep over with those 16 year old versions? A night where it's fun and free and we could pass on to them all the tidbits of wisdom we have picked up along the way. What to say??

Life is huge. At 16 we can't even begin to fathom all the opportunities it can hold for us. It goes beyond just 4 walls. Think big! 

It's ok to not conform to everyone else's standards. Embrace your individuality. It may be the harder road to take at the time, but in the long run you'll be glad that you stayed true to yourself. 

Talk is cheap and teenage boys will spout off all sorts of lines to talk themselves into your panties. Don't buy into it! Don't give yourself away to someone who isn't going to appreciate YOU. If you aren't fully ready for something or think that you will stand by your decision in the morning, don't do it. Never let someone pressure you.

Your heart will be broken. It never gets easier. Each time you will think that it's the end of everything. That you lost the only person in the world. You haven't. Hearts endure breaks and fissures and heals itself. It's remarkable. Follow your heart but learn to balance it with common sense and your head. 

Your parents were young once. They have lived it up and done things you would be embarrassed to know about. They were rebellious and wild. They broke rules and fought for their independence. They don't put out guidelines just to make your life miserable. They do it because the have lived it. Made mistakes. They simply want better for you. Cut them some slack every now and then. 

Be proud of who you are. Not everyone will like you. Who cares? The people that matter will see how amazing you are. Just remember sticks and stones. Let words slide like water off your back. There will be people through out your life who try to push you down. Give them a swift kick in the butt and keep on truckin'. 

Don't be too hard on yourself. This is the perfect time for you to stumble your way along and make mistakes. It's expected in fact. No one around you is perfect. Take everything as a learning experience and use it to improve yourself. 

Show compassion. That mean girl who picks on you or that jock who makes fun of you- they are most likely dealing with their own issues and insecurities. You don't always know what someone is like behind closed doors. We all have struggles, some are just more private. Be kind, it goes a long way in making a difference to someones day. 

Life isn't fair. Better learn this early and get over it. There will be times you get a losing hand but lots more where you come out on top. We need the bad days to appreciate the good ones. 

If there was just one simple sentence to sum it up I'd have to say don't be in a rush to grow-up. Trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be! Enjoy the simplicity. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's Awesome !!!!!! :)