Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gettin It on Like Donkey Kong (Adult themed post)

Today is Thursday so it's not technically Hump Day, but regardless it's today's topic. I ain't skeered to admit it's also something that crosses my mind everyday that ends in Y. Don't even think about passing judgment on me because I'm sure your freak card has some stamps on it too! S-E-X is a pretty big subject so obviously I can't cover everything about it in one post. *snaps finger* Darn that means I'll have to write more about it at some point, bummer. <---HEAVY sarcasm

Since I'm a free agent and on the singles market I figured I'd discuss that awesome (or least you cross your fingers for it to be) experience of 1st time nookie with someone new. We've all been there at some point right? Let's set the scene, ok? You meet a fella/chick that catches your attention. You throw out some pickup line that actually works and scores you some digits. You put in the ground work of talking, texting, hanging out, etc. You start thinking "hmmm maybe it's time to step it up some. Yeeaa son." You make plans to get together.
Could it be the night? Cue the porn track

What do you do to prep and get pumped? To boost your confidence?
I know this probably isn't healthy, but I try not to eat. If I do it's something light that will give me energy and doesn't make me feel like a heifer. I suggest stay the hell away from spicy or anything that will cause the nights events to come to a screeching halt because your bowels are protesting. NOT sexy anytime really but definitely not the first time you're trying to impress. 

I pamper myself when getting ready. For me, a single mom of 3, this means actually having time to shave above the knee. I break out the smelly good body wash, my fancy body scrub that makes me feel like a baby's tush, the in shower lotion, dry off with the super fluffy towel, apply the lotion from Victoria's Secret that matches the perfume from VS. Nothing like feeling "so fresh and so clean clean". (you have to sing that last part)

I'll skip over the other getting ready details but will share with you a vital part of my "getting some ritual". Music. Fast paced, gets your heart thumping, makes ya wanna groove type of tracks. My personal favorite is Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry. It's raw and vulgar. In other words, perfect!
To get the full effect from this song I recommend slipping into your sexy drawers and do stripper moves around the house. Shake your money maker till it feels like your hips will fall out of joint. (In my case NO ONE will ever see that dance) Do a lil shimmy shimmy in front of the mirror, give yourself a slap on the rear, and repeat "I'd do me!"

We gonna do this or what? Reading the signs & making your move.
You guys have settled in and gotten comfortable. Made a lil chit chat. Maybe you're sitting on the couch, close enough to show interest yet enough distance to not feel crowded. I'll let you in on a secret. I usually start off with a visual that I'm a calm, cool, collected seductress. BUT usually by this point I'm a nervous wreck. Oh crap this may really happen! I'm guessing some guys must feel anxious too because I've had to wait for a move to be made. Talking isn't bad, in fact it can even give you an opportunity to put out a tentative feeler. Be expressive and maybe when you make a point or laugh at a joke, go ahead and put your hand on his thigh. Once I'm comfy I have no problems taking the reins into my own hands. Eye contact is a wonderful way to let them know they've got the green light. Throw a "come hither" look from under your eyelashes. If all else fails and they don't pick up on the hint, make it verbal. I keep it short and sweet. YOU. NOW. That tends to make my point clear. 
*GUYS: drinking to loosen up is all good. Just keep it limited. Enough to get ya comfortable and confident, but not so much that you have to pep talk "him" into making an appearance. You don't want the below to be your sex anthem*

Lights on?! Jiggle Jiggle.
Now you've moved into hot and heavy territory. Go you!! This is when the real fun starts. Also about the time all my insecurities kick in. Ex: omg he can totally see my belly jelly  from this position, how big does my ass look?, please god don't let him see my O face, am I doing this right?
I'm hoping that I have some male readers because I'm curious, do guys think about things similar to that?  

To hit and run or stay and cuddle?
Personally I think this depends on a couple factors. Such as did you enjoy the whoopie? If so, then ask yourself what kind of dynamic you want from this point on. I've been told that I think like a guy because I don't have an issue breaking off a piece and then telling you to let yourself out. On the other hand if I think it's someone who has potential for more I'm not opposed to a little spooning and basking in the aftermath. It never hurts to let your partner know that they rocked your socks off. If you really meant it when you said then you're lucky cus just think how great it's gonna get now that the "first time" is out of the way!
Giggity giggity!

Do you have certain songs to be the soundtrack to your bed rockin?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why You Ain't Got A Man?

I hear this question more than I care to. When did wearing your SINGLE badge proudly become out the norm? It's been pointed out to me that I'm not getting any younger-even though I just celebrated my 31st- and that my biological clock is tick tick ticking away. I don't even see why that matters because I've done my time at the baby making factory and my shift has been over for almost 5 years. People seem to find me attractive enough so they just assume something is wrong with me or my way of thinking. I'm going to give you the break down for why I ain't got a man.

99% of my time goes to my three children. I struggle each day just to find the time to carve out a moment's peace for myself. By that I mean between daytime hours of 6:00am-8:30pm. Yes, when the kids get a visit from the Sandman I can catch up on "ME" time. Sadly though I find that I usually just want to crawl into bed myself by that point. Which doesn't leave me but 1% to allot to someone else that isn't from my DNA. 

My last REAL longterm relationship was over 5 years ago with my "baby daddy". I met him when my oldest was 2 and I was preggo with my middle child. Naturally they grew attached to him, esp the oldest since she viewed him as her dad and called him so. When we reached the end of our relationship he left us. **DISCLAIMER: I am NOT placing full blame on him, since the ins and outs of our relationship are not relevant to this post, I'll get to my point shortly. If you're wondering why I bothered putting this disclaimer you aren't the person it's meant for :)** POINT: My oldest was devastated and full of questions. She wasn't old enough to understand that she hadn't done anything wrong. It was a difficult heartbreaking time for me as a parent. It it still an open wound for me and it is something that is forefront in my mind. This being said, I am very wary of letting someone get involved into that aspect of my life. My job as a mother is to protect them and I think that means emotionally as well. 

I feel like I'm stuck in limbo between the age brackets. Guys that are my age tend to not want a premade family of 3 or someday want children of their OWN which isn't possible for me anymore. Although I can be immature at times, I think I have an old soul which often means I don't feel a connection with them because our viewpoints on what is a priority is different. One of the great loves of my life is on the opposite end of the spectrum at the ripe ole age of 52. We were wonderful together when it was just "US" in the equation. However, he had children my age and grandchildren. He wanted to live his life without the hindrance of raising children again. Since I've still got a good 13 years left of hands on parenting, we had to be realistic and call like it is. Impossible. 

Lack of a sitter means my social life has suffered SEVERELY. I can count on one hand the nights out I've had this year. Romance and wooing me is kinda hard to do when you don't get to see me. I'll be honest and say that I haven't really tried to get out, no one has stricken me as truly worthwhile. In the past when I've found someone I like and feel comfortable with I don't have a problem with them visiting me at my place..AFTER kids in bed. On the rare occasions someone has stayed over my alarm is set for bout an hour before kids due to get up so I can make sure they don't see him. I recently got into an argument with said above love of life because he called it juvenile. In a way I suppose the sneaking factor is..I prefer to think of it as roleplay and find the kinky side of it. Just kiddin (or am I?) It really lit a fire under my ass when he said that though. Why on earth would I let my kids meet someone I know isn't going to stick around? Even if I THINK he may be in for the long haul, its still going to be awhile before kids mesh with potential suitor. 

Lastly, to be it bluntly- I'm a handful and then some. I've got emotional baggage.  Lots. I've had multiple exes that were physically abusive, been cheated on, walked out on. You name it and I've probably been there, done that, and came home with the t-shirt. I'm stubborn, prideful, exasperating. I have lots of layers and most guys aren't willing to put in the time and effort to peel them all back. I'm fully aware that I'm not the easiest person to deal with, but once you get past my barriers I love as hard as I play. I'm not going to waste space tootin' my own horn, but I know for the right guy I could be amazing. 

I'm not a man hater, I still believe in romance. Maybe not fairy tale endings anymore though. I'm sure my Mr. Right will come along one day. He will most likely be a parent who understands my lifestyle and a unique man with a strong passionate personality to match mine. I know he will be kick ass fantastic because he's gonna have to be in order to hang with me! I'm not perfect and only human, so there have been times where the need for companionship has led me to Mr. Right Now. C'est la vie. In the meantime YES, I am ok with being single. I'm not going to settle for just anyone. Ordinary is a dime a dozen and I'm holding out for the EXCEPTION. Hmm...future blog idea maybe? Find a boyfriend application I can post online?*wink wink*

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rockin My Junk in the Trunk

I have a confession to make (nervously bites nails)... I like big butts and I cannot lie! Seriously, I'm full blown 100% female and even I can concur that there is something about a plump, round tush that makes you wanna grab a handful (two if you're feelin' frisky) or smack it to get some wave action going. My own derriere has grown into the double digits over time, while my ta-tas have gotten smaller, WTF?! By the way I have a theory on that..wait for it..I think my ass ate them. I feel that my body type is more reminiscent of the ladies of  past decades ie. Marilyn & Bettie. They had curves that fit the palm of a mans hand perfectly and thighs that-gasp, God forbid- touched and rubbed together. In my opinion they were the shiznit. 

Nowadays you turn on the television, flip through a magazine, pass a billboard on the highway and you will notice a reoccurring theme. The majority of women that are in the spotlight and considered those played out adjectives like "sexy", "hot", "beautiful" seem to be oh.. say..bout half the size of the icons from the above paragraph. As the standard for what is socially accepted as "attractive" has gotten higher, waistlines have shrunk. I don't know if I'm just not getting the right mail, but I rarely see a plus sized woman featured in ads or elsewhere. CORRECTION: In those grocery store tabloids you will see them. Usually in the form of a celebrity being bashed for gaining weight like us lowly average people.

It leaves me asking the question:
I am now the mom of two girls and I can't help feeling disturbed when I see/hear how girls today perceive their body image or feel pressured to look a certain way. Even today, statistics show that the percentage of people with an eating disorder hasn't significantly decreased. In fact, one study I came across said that eating disorders have begun to show in a whole new age bracket. The 40+ crowd. Say whaaa?! Not to be a downer but here a couple links that show you in number form.

I think we need to instill the message to our children (and ourselves) that physical beauty is fleeting, but what we possess on the inside is what truly makes us attractive and beautiful. Cus lemme tell you I've seen some hotties that can squeeze into a size 2, but boy once they open their mouths or show their personality it is an INSTANT turnoff. I'd like to point out that I do believe there is a difference between being healthy and curvy/bigboned and being unhealthily overweight. Of course there are always medical conditions, etc that can affect a person's weight, BUT if you are allowing yourself to go and it's causing you health problems I say tsk tsk. Love yourself more than that! 

Whether you're a Voluptuous Vixen or Thin Temptress flaunt your stuff! As long as YOU are happy with yourself then
"I wouldn't say weight plays a role as much as figure. I don't care for the super model, porn star, thin woman; but I don't really care for the I don't know how to push myself away from the table type either. I prefer a happy medium." ( Friend's honest reply to the question do you think weight affects the attractiveness of a woman). 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Blue in the face & seeing red

If you were in the same room as me right now as I'm typing this you would hear my keyboard being punished with hard button pushes, me muttering incoherently to myself, and loud exhales of frustration. In fact I'm debating whether or not to type this post in red all caps just to show you how STRESSED*FRUSTRATED*IRATE*OVERWHELMED I am at the moment. I have banned all 3 of my children from the living room with the parting "so help me...if any of you set foot in here!". (exhale)

You may be asking what the hell is up her butt today? Well, 3 things actually. Between the ages of 5-10. This is one of those rare days-- hold up (I promised I would keep this blog as real as possible so let me amend that)- increasingly normal days where all of the kids decide to act like the devil incarnate. AT ONCE. I'm talking head spinning, temper tantrum throwing, foaming at the mouth kind of antics. I feel like I need holy water in the fridge.

Let me give you a lil background: Single mom who has been unemployed for almost 2 mo (translation= freaking out about financial obligations), watches my grandfather 5 days a week now (translation= picking up after an 82 yr old who acts like a 4 year old but has the dirty rude mouth of a sailor), runs the kids around for activities 5 days a week, plays Cinderella for her overbearing mother who very rarely has anything positive to say. Those are just a couple of the things I do.

I have been attempting to spring clean the house for awhile now. Usually have only the evenings/weekends to tackle it. Quite frankly last thing I want to do after a busy day taking care of everyone else is slave away at a mess. Anys, moving on. I have decided that the kids are old enough to start pitching in. My bestie has kids around same age as mine and they help her bigtime. All I'm asking mine to do is clean up their OWN rooms and any mess they make elsewhere. That leaves toilet scrubbing, laundry, dish duty, and perty much everything else on MY checklist. Seems fair, no? Apparently not according to them. Let me give you an example of how this goes... and make sure you imagine it playing on loop so you get the full effect.

ME: hey guys, we need to get some cleaning done ok? Go ahead and straighten up your rooms please.
THEM: ah do we have to, ugh, why?, this stinks, etc. *Accompanied by foot stomping, huffing/puffin*
ME: it won't take you that long, let's just get it done and then you can play.
THEM: FINE! (kicks at floor)

There I am thinking ok that's taken care of. Pssht. Here we are 3 hours later and what have they done? Not a single thing other than making a bigger mess. Oh yea did I mention that throughout this 3 hours they have been bickering non-stop? Yelling, screaming, crying. At what point is it ok for me to flip my lid? The first 4-5 times I asked them to get to work where nice. 6-8 were firm, 9+ just got increasingly loud. Where did I go wrong? Why do they feel they are entitled to treat me this way? Now, I will say that I have probably spoiled them and gone easier on them because I feel guilty they don't have a dad in their lives. There is only me (for oldest two that is) to love and discipline. I struggle with finding a balance because I don't want to only be the bad guy. But, cooooome on. You'd think I was asking them to scrub the floors with a toothbrush held in their mouths. I'm going to pause for a minute to catch my breath. Go use the restroom or take a smoke break. I'll wait for you :)

So, all the above was just based off the fact I asked them to clean their rooms. That's discouraging. Any advice on how to get them into line? What's your parenting style? I do not enjoy fussing or yelling at them, but find myself doing it more and more. Their behavior has become a pattern and it's breaking me down. This is not the type of family and household I want to have. Been there done that with my parents.

I'm going to reach out and ask for advice for issues that I have with each specific child. Maybe someone reading is dealing with the same type of things and is willing to share?

This is my oldest. 10 going on "too big for her britches". My mother (who is my nemesis) has played a large role in her life since she was born and has spoiled her rotten.They certainly share some of the same qualities which typically leads to me being exasperated. I believe is she ready to hit puberty because she has Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome. Among her favorite things to say to me are: "I hate living here, I want to be with grandma.", "I hate you, you're a horrible mom.", "my life sucks and I hate it." See a theme here? She is prone to severe eye rolling and door slamming. She has also started voicing out that she doesn't have a dad and it's not fair. I have tried to explain that she has other people to love her. And yes, I acknowledge her pain about not having 2 parents or her confusion on why. She is very Diva, DQ (Drama Queen), bossy, outspoken.

My 7 year old, only boy. Pretty sure he suffers from middle child syndrome. He has always been the more difficult of all of them, even as a child. Constantly seeking attention and usually gets it, but in a negative way. Does not know when to stop talking or acting up. Very high energy, no focus, constantly in trouble at school. He is the one that tends to instigate any bickering at home because he just doesn't mesh well. I find that he pushes and pushes at me. He's an affectionate child but very frustrating some days. It doesn't seem to click with him that he can also gain my attention by behaving properly. Have a feeling he may have ADD, ADHD, or something along those lines. Anyone that can provide your own experiences with a child with either of those would be greatly appreciated. 

Here's my 4 year old girly girly who has two volumes. Loud & Louder. I really don't have too many problems with her other than she plays the cute card too much. I know at her dads house she goes to bed fine, but she is still very clingy to me at home most nights. She loves to push boundaries and is starting to not listen as well as she used to. Think a lot of that is her testing her independence. Hopefully she stays sweet, LOL

Wow, I think I've said enough for today. I can feel my blood pressure returning to it's normal state and I no longer feel like banging my head into a wall repeatedly. Thanks for letting me take up your time with my rant. I do have one teensy favor to ask though. If you stuck with this whole post, please take a moment to leave a comment if you can relate. It would mean a lot to know I'm not the only parent at their wits end :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thena's 31 Life Lessons

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to me, HaPpY BiRtHdAy to meeeee!
Today marks me being 31 years young (at heart that is). I don't feel or look any different, although I have noticed ONE stubborn hair that is trying to turn grey on me. Luckily it doesn't stand up to my tweezers. As for the tiny wrinkles beginning to form, for the time being i'll embrace them since I can pass them off as laugh lines.

I've got to say though I miss that emotion of anticipation and excitement that came with birthdays when you were 13, 16, 18, and the almighty 21. The milestone years. Now I have another 9 years before I can say that. 

Truth be told, my life hasn't quite turned out the way I had envisioned it. I always thought by now that I would be more settled and have more to show for myself. Money continues to be an issue, I still don't have that degree, not a home owner, no hubby. It'd be fairly easy to focus on all the cons. However, that's not my style. I may be raising my 3 children without a husband or bling on my ring finger but who cares? I'm kicking ass at it- or trying my hardest to. All the things I mentioned above are still completely in my grasp, will just take some more juggling on my part; which we all know is a big mom talent. 

We are supposed to grow wiser as we get older. Perhaps I am. I realize that everyday holds some type of trial, lesson, or opportunity to grow. On that note I figured for today's post I would share 31 things I have learned about this beautiful chaos we call life.

I could have written them out in my own words but I chose to go with visuals instead. These are some of the ones that made me nod my head and go "mmm hmmm thats's right!"

Would love to hear from you guys on what you've learned along the way!

** I didn't realize that the below slideshow would open in a new window (give it a couple seconds to load). I will attempt to fix that, but in the meantime perty pleeeease be willing to watch it anyways since I slaved over it :) **

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Always put your fears behind you and your dreams in front of you.

I was brainstorming for future post ideas earlier, and visited one of the sites when I came across  and got inspired to do THIS post. 


That's right, I'm asking you to question yourself. When I ask about your fear, I want you to dig deeper than spiders, crowds, etc. I'm talking about the kind of fears that may be hindering you from reaching your dreams; OR you could be on the opposite end of the spectrum and use that fear to fuel your passion to attaining it. 

If you're a reader who doesn't know me you may be thinking is this one of those "serious", "motivational", "downer" bloggers? Serious about motivating and inspiring someone? Hell to the yes. Don't we all enjoy the  knowledge that we have touched someone or made an impact. A downer? Not me! There will be plenty of posts from me that are light hearted and fun, but the introspective serious stuff is part of life too, right?


Success in climbing the corporate ladder? Making that paper to live lavishly? Fancy cars, bling, fame? Off the top of most people's heads that would probably rank somewhere in there, but how about the non-materialistic ones hmm? The ones that are vital  to making you into the person you are destined to be? To be remembered for something positive, to help others in need, etc? There is no right or wrong answer here, and certainly no judgement. Not only that but you never know who might be reading your answer and can help you get there! 

I think we can all agree that sometimes LIFE has a way of being a major pain in the tuckus. Its beats the shiznit out of us, sidetracks us, and is a B with an itch. I know for me personally, there have been times where I have lost sight of what I wanted and needed to do. It's easy to fall into the rut of "it's good enough". I say to hell with that. We all need a jumpstart sometimes to get us in the right direction to making our dreams happen. <-- That was my lead into being able to post this song :) I think I was supposed to add it here because as I was typing this it came on Pandora and doesn't it go hand in hand with this last paragraph?! Musical fate ya'll. It's real. 
"Dare you to move" Switchfoot

Since I'd love for you to share your FearsvsDreams answers with me I posted mine for all to see. 

One of my favorite quotes about life <3
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness IS the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hello World!

Today is May 25, 2012 and this is my first blog entry, yay! It's the middle of the afternoon and I'm still in my pajamas surrounded by a pile of laundry that's calling to be folded. Domestic duties can be put on hold though, this is my outbreak into the blogging community! BTW the whole me in pj's is just helping me get into the "blogger" mindset that I've heard so much about, so don't judge me off just that please.

My name is Athena and I'm a single momma to 3 children that are quite possibly the loudest that I know. They are the cute whirlwinds that sweep through my life everyday leaving a trail of various messes, making me laugh at their antics, causing me to want to have a glass of wine while they whine. If you're a parent I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. I'll be the big 3-1 this weekend but feel about 61 mentally. My life is a chaotic, blessing filled mess. If you stick with me as a reader I'm sure you will realize there are various aspects to my personality. I'm fairly balls to the walls when it comes to speaking my mind. I've had my share and then some of  negativity,bs and heartbreak through the years and it lends me a jaded edge. I balance that out by being a complete romantic at heart and a firm believer that "through the darkest nights, come the brightest days".

This blog space will most likely be filled with complete randomness, whatever has lit a fire under my butt that day will be the topic. No tellin what that may be! Since I'm just the average woman trying to do it all, I'm sure alot of you will be able to relate. So make this YOUR place too. Speak your mind! I love feedback and ideas.

I'm just getting this blog off the ground so in the meantime I thought you could get to know me a little better through the eyes of others. * These are not paid endorsements (Unless you count me asking nicely with a cherry on top). I told them to keep it real and they did- esp. Jeremy who put me on blast before he confessed that I'm actually quite awesome.

Athena is a spitfire, and that isn't to be taken lightly. She always says "I speak my mind because it hurts to bit my tongue", and let me tell ya this gal definitely isn't afraid to hold anything back, She's one of the few women I know who wears a halo, sharp set of horns, and a big pair of balls all at the same time; and wears them all with pride. Balls to the walls is an understatement. She's blatantly honest and doesn't sugar coat. She is stubborn, impulsive, impatient, and a little arrogant at times; but that makes her the person I've grown to love over the years. Athena is corky, clumsy, sassy, not one to ever back down from a challenge, strong willed, charismatic, smart/witty beyond her years, and loves wholeheartedly. TINA W.

 Well... definitely the lip gloss queen! A sassy seemingly shy girl at first but fierce flirt when she wants to be!!! Outstanding mother of three who is organized and witty. Brilliant poet and beyond clever with words on paper. Hilariously silly and so much fun to be around...shimmy shimmy!!! i miss you;-)   EVY W.

Good- money saver, With our $ problems during our relationship we still didn't let that affect anything, kids first, discipline your kids for bad and reward for good behavior ie when you gave KY a $1 for being good in public all day, you can cook good, i miss your pizza or any of your cooking in general. I could go on all day with the good stuff. Bad- moody, but I learned to accept that from a mommy with 3 kids, its not easy for you. JASON B.

The best way to describe athena is single mother who puts her kids and family first. I've noticed she raises her children and still finds time to watch her grandfather. Athena is also very smart in bargain shopping getting the most out of less. And on top of that all she is a rare female that can think like a dude when it comes to relationships and have a great sense of humor as well. CHIEF L.R

In my words you are frustrating, bitchy, impatient, spiteful, and sexually charged. But you're also funny, witty...and alot of times I still kinda wish you were my girl because you're awesome and I kinda love ya a lil. JEREMY B. 

I was Thena's best friend for a long time. I miss her like crazy sometimes but life and circumstances drifted us apart. The first two words I thought of to describe her are naive and push-over. She probably wants to kick my ass for saying that, but in Thena, these are her good traits. She is one of those people that will give you her last dollar even though she doesn't know where the next one is coming from; I've seen her do it. She likes to say her heart is locked up secure, but it is just the opposite. The door is stuck wide open....anyone can walk right in. Since all people aren't as sweet and trusting as she is, this causes her a lot of heartache. Sometimes she tries to cure her heartache with TUMS (spelled backwards), but it is a defense technique.To sum it up, Athena is a great friend to have in your life. It's up to you to decide what to make of her. You can take advantage of her friendship or use her friendship to your advantage. There is a big difference in the two. STACY D.

What can I say about Thena? She is a wonderful mother who puts her children first!! She loves new adventures and never backs down to a dare. Which sometimes can be a funny thing to watch. Spontaneous, loving, caring and a true friend when you really need one!! O yeah got to say she is a major, um, B**** if you get on her wrong side. LOL South Carolina lost out on an awesome person when she moved back home!! So wish she would at least come for a visit soon!! We miss her so!!! Love ya girl! CHRISTI E.