Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rockin My Junk in the Trunk

I have a confession to make (nervously bites nails)... I like big butts and I cannot lie! Seriously, I'm full blown 100% female and even I can concur that there is something about a plump, round tush that makes you wanna grab a handful (two if you're feelin' frisky) or smack it to get some wave action going. My own derriere has grown into the double digits over time, while my ta-tas have gotten smaller, WTF?! By the way I have a theory on that..wait for it..I think my ass ate them. I feel that my body type is more reminiscent of the ladies of  past decades ie. Marilyn & Bettie. They had curves that fit the palm of a mans hand perfectly and thighs that-gasp, God forbid- touched and rubbed together. In my opinion they were the shiznit. 

Nowadays you turn on the television, flip through a magazine, pass a billboard on the highway and you will notice a reoccurring theme. The majority of women that are in the spotlight and considered those played out adjectives like "sexy", "hot", "beautiful" seem to be oh.. say..bout half the size of the icons from the above paragraph. As the standard for what is socially accepted as "attractive" has gotten higher, waistlines have shrunk. I don't know if I'm just not getting the right mail, but I rarely see a plus sized woman featured in ads or elsewhere. CORRECTION: In those grocery store tabloids you will see them. Usually in the form of a celebrity being bashed for gaining weight like us lowly average people.

It leaves me asking the question:
I am now the mom of two girls and I can't help feeling disturbed when I see/hear how girls today perceive their body image or feel pressured to look a certain way.
 http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/07/for-teenage-girls-facebook-means-always-being-camera-ready/ Even today, statistics show that the percentage of people with an eating disorder hasn't significantly decreased. In fact, one study I came across said that eating disorders have begun to show in a whole new age bracket. The 40+ crowd. Say whaaa?! Not to be a downer but here a couple links that show you in number form. http://www.statisticbrain.com/eating-disorder-statistics/

I think we need to instill the message to our children (and ourselves) that physical beauty is fleeting, but what we possess on the inside is what truly makes us attractive and beautiful. Cus lemme tell you I've seen some hotties that can squeeze into a size 2, but boy once they open their mouths or show their personality it is an INSTANT turnoff. I'd like to point out that I do believe there is a difference between being healthy and curvy/bigboned and being unhealthily overweight. Of course there are always medical conditions, etc that can affect a person's weight, BUT if you are allowing yourself to go and it's causing you health problems I say tsk tsk. Love yourself more than that! 

Whether you're a Voluptuous Vixen or Thin Temptress flaunt your stuff! As long as YOU are happy with yourself then
"I wouldn't say weight plays a role as much as figure. I don't care for the super model, porn star, thin woman; but I don't really care for the I don't know how to push myself away from the table type either. I prefer a happy medium." ( Friend's honest reply to the question do you think weight affects the attractiveness of a woman). 

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